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Biography | Peter Corr

I was born in Preston, UK, and have spent many years living and working abroad, enjoying the experience of getting to know different people and cultures. I have lived in Germany, Cyprus, and most recently in the Middle East. All of these places influence my work, which is evident in the blue and turquoise hues of the Mediterranean, the warm ochres of the Persian Gulf, and my focus on design, structure, and the tactile qualities of nature and land.


I currently reside in Ely, Cambridgeshire, where my recent work is inspired by the forests and natural landscapes of the UK. A two-week residency in the New Forest provided a creative springboard for my large oil and cold wax-based paintings. On my blog, you can discover how I use cold wax to create exciting surface textures and impasto effects.


Most of my work occupies the transitional space between realism and abstraction. I celebrate the flat surface of the picture plane and seize the opportunity to explore new designs and compositions. I employ various pictorial devices and techniques to create a sense of space and depth. There is always a tension between illusionistic perspective and the reality of the canvas as a flat, two-dimensional object. This is why I rarely describe a specific place or geographical location; I am more interested in the experiences, emotions, and textures that serve as the visual backdrop to our lives.


I strive to evoke contrasting sensations and impressions, capturing feelings of time passing and timelessness. In particular, I am deeply interested in concepts associated with tranquility, serenity, and meditation.


I am passionate about the power of art to transform both ourselves and the environment we inhabit.


A photograph of the artist Peter Corr
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