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Contemporary Art Blog

peter corr
Jul 10, 2021
Cambridge Open Studios – open this weekend
July 10 th – July 11th 11 am to 6pm Come and visit my working studio in Ely this weekend. I am studio 120 in the Cambridge Open Studios...

peter corr
Jun 29, 2021
Beyond The Image Gallery: ‘Fenland’ Exhibition
Just finished setting up my ‘Fenland’ black and white print series at the ‘Beyond the Image’ photographers gallery in Thornham Magna,...

peter corr
May 25, 2021
Fields, Rivers and Dreams. Flying high above the landscape.
This is a painting in acrylic and mixed media. It is an imaginative interpretation of the Cambridgeshire Fenland. A patchwork quilt of...

peter corr
May 16, 2021
Fenland Landscape in Bitumen, Cold Wax, Plaster, Sand, Enamel, Pumice & Emulsion.
In painting, unconventional materials generate unexpected effects and unpredictable outcomes. They interact in interesting ways. The...

peter corr
May 14, 2021
IEA Exhibition
The Institute of East Anglian Artists Open Exhibition 2021 The Institute of East Anglian Artists Open Exhibition is held annually at The...

peter corr
Apr 23, 2021
Flesh is water. Stones are like bones.
‘Stone & Water’ Oil and Cold Wax on 80 x 80 cm canvas ‘Stone & Water’ Oil and Cold Wax on 80 x 80 cm canvas (detail) This is a cold wax...
peter corr
Apr 21, 2021
Painting trees with Oil & Cold Wax medium
‘A Kind of Grief’ Oil and Cold Wax on 80 x 80 cm canvas ‘A Kind of Grief’ Oil and Cold Wax on 80 x 80 cm canvas (Detail) This is a cold...

peter corr
Apr 20, 2021
Original Oil Wax Painting - Reflections in The New Forest
This is a cold wax mixed media painting on a high quality canvas frame. It is based on my recent artist residency in the New Forest in...

peter corr
Apr 1, 2021
The Cambridgeshire Fenlands during the Winter of 2020/21, at the height of the COVID -19 pandemic.
Fenland By Peter M Corr Book Preview Followers of this blog will have an idea about the number of photographs I have taken of the...

peter corr
Mar 29, 2021
Camper Van owner temporarily ‘channels’ the spirit of Christo & Jean Claude in the C
Christo and Jean Claude never explained, interpreted or gave meanings to their work; they didn’t need to. We will always obligingly do...

peter corr
Mar 11, 2021
Futurism and Dance is the way Forward
Acrylic on Canvas 150 x 100 cm Detail This is a large acrylic work exploring the possibility of creating the illusion of movement in...

peter corr
Mar 2, 2021
Two Fenland houses on Ten Mile Bank reminded me of a famous photograph taken by Diane Arbus.
Two Houses on Ten Mile Bank Fenlands Identical Twins, Roselle, New Jersey, 1967 Diane Arbus Don’t worry, I’m not claiming to have...

peter corr
Feb 26, 2021
Sliding across the Canvas. Abstraction and Gestural Painting with Acrylic Mediums
100 x 150 cm Acrylic on Canvas 100 x 150 cm Acrylic on Canvas (detail) A day in the life of a large-scale abstract painting. This is the...

peter corr
Feb 23, 2021
Pollarded Trees by the River Great Ouse stage a silent but powerful protest.
Willow Tree in Ely, Fenlands In the midst of a nightmare when trying to escape, to flee some dreadful event, no matter how much you...

peter corr
Feb 22, 2021
Did you know that trees can drown?
River Great Ouse at Earith, Fenlands Submerged agricultural land is quite common at this time of year in the Cambridgeshire Fenlands but...

peter corr
Feb 21, 2021
Living behind an Embankment
House on The Ten Mile Bank Road, Fenlands This photograph was taken on the Ten Mile Bank Road near Little Downham in the Cambridgeshire...

peter corr
Feb 6, 2021
Bram Stoker would have loved Ely Cathedral in the Winter
Ely Cathedral from the River Great Ouse Bram Stoker was inspired by Whitby Abbey to write the story of Count Dracula. Had he visited Ely...

peter corr
Feb 4, 2021
Abandoned Farmhouse near Chatteris
Abandoned Farmhouse at Curf Fen Drove, Chatteris The Fenland has visual riches in abundance, but these treasures are easily overlooked or...

peter corr
Jan 27, 2021
The Ouse Washes
The Ouse Washes in Flood ‘The Ouse Washes are part of a flood defense system. They are an uninhabited area of nearly six thousand acres...

peter corr
Jan 20, 2021
The House at Southery
A House on the outskirts of Southery, Norfolk In the Fenlands, a house is a mute record, a repository of thoughts, memories, and lives...

peter corr
Jan 19, 2021
An American Road Movie in Monochrome
This is an archetypal Fenland landscape, just near Gold Hill, close to the Old Bedford River. There are no physical hills in the Fenlands...

peter corr
Jan 18, 2021
Telegraph Pole and Tree
The Fenland landscape belongs to Winter. In football terms, Summer relegates the Fenlands to the third division or possibly a non-league...

peter corr
Dec 28, 2020
The Blind Leading The Blind, Pieter Bruegel (The Elder)
Pieter Bruegel (The Elder) a Flemish Renaissance painter was undoubtedly a visionary artist……..this work on linen was completed in 1568....

peter corr
Dec 21, 2020
A medley, mélange, menagerie, miscellanea, miscellany, mishmash, mixed bag, montage, motley or muddl
‘Patchwork’ 40 x 51 cm Acrylic on 300 gsm paper ‘Patchwork’ Detail Language is a wonderful invention, the moment we are presented with a...
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